Dear Cousin:
Yesterday I talked with a friend who lives in England, he is from Argentina but lived many years here in Venezuela. Talking about good and bad of both our countries. In the end, like most discussions of this kind, we do not reach any conclusion but I stayed with the restlessness in my thoughts. To be honest, I love my country. I love its atmosphere, its climate, beaches, mountains. This is where I learned to live and where I want to continue living. But I feel a deep pain when I see the damage that our society has come.
The values have been invested, is the world upside down, the end justifies the means (as Maquivelo). Corruption, dishonesty, bribery and the pursuit of easy money is the daily bread. If you are an honest person, you're seen as a fool, like an idiot, as someone who does not know the opportunities. I do not want you think I'm selling as a saint, I am not and do not pretend to be. Neither is true that the whole society is so corrupt, but who unfortunately is now dominates, is dishonesty. This crisis of values has contributed to that crime has reached extraordinary levels, murder by contract, problems of drug use and drug trafficking, money laundering and "express" kidnappings are our daily bread. Unfortunately, as I said in my previous post, this is a situation that had been brewing for decades. Inequality, bad examples, injustice and mismanagement of the state (among others) which is causing our society today. To make matters worse, the current government, which has had a historic opportunity to reverse this trend, has achieved the opposite.
Now, this administration has invented a "Socialism of the 21st century." Trying to give a modern touch to communism that we all know (especially you in Europe). They have gradually taken steps to go in that direction: the closure of a television that was opposed to government; expropriation of land and companys; nationalization of public services, centralization of state functions. In addition made "democratically" amendments to the constitution to allow indefinite re-election (eternal) of public officials, including president but restricting the powers of governors and mayors. When in fact what the people want is that they start to rule to resolve community problems, insecurity, lack of medical care, quality of public services, promote jobs through a plan that stimulates development of free private enterprise, that is what any citizen WANT. But the government says only one thing: the solution is socialism. That is rubbish.
The saddest thing is that the government has won most of the times in which it was subject to popular election. Cheating or not, the president has great popular support, here is a sort of "popular revenge" against the people who ruled in the past. In addition to the large amount of crap that made the opposition leaders during the early years of the current government.
As the conversation with my friend, I have not reached any conclusion, it is too early for this (or too late), I can only take precautions, at least for now.
About the Easter, in Venezuela is celebrated in two ways. One is the religious and the other is to travel on vacation.
This is a Catholic country, and religious activities are going on around the church. There are also activities such as processions in the street or "via crucis" with theater actors. On this website you can view photos to understand what I mean with "via crucis":
However, at least half the population prefers to take the whole week of vacation and travel. After the Christmas and New Year holidays, this is the time when most people take vacations. No matter if there is money or not, no matter if the country is burning, but many people go on holiday.
The food is the best, is based on fish or exotic foods such as the chigüire (capybara). My wife prepared a "cuajao" that is a cake of shredded fish made with eggs, bananas, raisins, capers and olives. The Catholic tradition says that these days we should eat food of poor people and avoid red meat. So what of the fish and other animals. However, the recipes are sophisticated. If you want to know what a is a chigüire (capybara) can go to this site:
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